[Merge] lp:~renatofilho/address-book-service/sync-first into lp:address-book-service
Michael Sheldon
michael.sheldon at canonical.com
Thu Oct 15 16:51:00 UTC 2015
Review: Needs Fixing
Code looks good, just a few typos in comments, warnings, etc.
Diff comments:
> === modified file 'updater/ab-update-buteo-import.cpp'
> --- updater/ab-update-buteo-import.cpp 2015-09-29 14:15:42 +0000
> +++ updater/ab-update-buteo-import.cpp 2015-10-15 16:01:53 +0000
> @@ -284,6 +276,114 @@
> }
> +bool ButeoImport::checkOldAccounts()
> +{
> + // check if the user has account with contacts and disabled sync
> + m_disabledAccounts.clear();
> + m_lastError = ABUpdateModule::NoError;
> +
> + for(int i=0; i < m_accounts.size(); i++) {
> + const AccountInfo &acc = m_accounts.at(i);
> + if (!acc.syncEnabled && !acc.emptySource) {
> + qDebug() << "Account need to be enabled:" << acc.accountId << acc.accountName;
need -> needs
> + m_disabledAccounts << i;
> + }
> + }
> +
> + askAboutDisabledAccounts();
> +}
> +
> +void ButeoImport::askAboutDisabledAccounts()
> +{
> + if (m_disabledAccounts.isEmpty()) {
> + syncOldContacts();
> + return;
> + }
> + const AccountInfo &acc = m_accounts.at(m_disabledAccounts.first());
> +
> + QMap<QString, QString> updateOptions;
> + updateOptions.insert("enable", _("Enable Sync"));
> + updateOptions.insert("disable", _("Keep Disabled"));
> +
> + qDebug() << "Ask question if keep account" << acc.accountName;
> + ABNotifyMessage *msg = new ABNotifyMessage(true, this);
> + connect(msg, SIGNAL(questionReplied(QString)), this, SLOT(onEnableAccountsReplied(QString)));
> + msg->askQuestion(_("Contact Sync Upgrade"),
> + QString(_("Google account <b>%1</b> currently has contact sync disabled.\n"
> + "We need to enable it to proceed with the contact sync upgrade.\n"
> + "If you keep it disabled, your contacts will be saved but you won't be able to sync them anymore with this account.")
> + ).arg(acc.accountName),
> + updateOptions);
> +}
> +
> +void ButeoImport::onEnableAccountsReplied(const QString &reply)
> +{
> + AccountInfo &acc = m_accounts[m_disabledAccounts.takeFirst()];
> + qDebug() << "Account" << acc.accountId << acc.accountName << reply;
> + if (reply == "enable") {
> + acc.enableSync(SYNCEVO_UOA_SERVICE_NAME);
> + } else if (reply == "disable") {
> + acc.removeAfterUpdate = false;
> + }
> +
> + askAboutDisabledAccounts();
> +}
> +
> +bool ButeoImport::syncOldContacts()
> +{
> + //call syncevoltuion
syncevoltuion -> syncevolution
> + if (m_syncMonitorInterface.isNull()) {
> + m_syncMonitorInterface.reset(new QDBusInterface(SYNCMONITOR_DBUS_SERVICE_NAME,
> +
> + if (!m_buteoInterface->isValid()) {
> + m_buteoInterface.reset();
> + qWarning() << "Fail to connect with sync-monitor";
> + return false;
> + }
> +
> + connect(m_syncMonitorInterface.data(), SIGNAL(syncFinished(QString, QString)),
> + SLOT(onOldContactsSyncFinished(QString,QString)), Qt::UniqueConnection);
> + connect(m_syncMonitorInterface.data(), SIGNAL(syncError(QString, QString, QString)),
> + SLOT(onOldContactsSyncError(QString,QString,QString)), Qt::UniqueConnection);
> + }
> +
> + m_syncEvolutionQueue.clear();
> + for(int i=0; i < m_accounts.size(); i++) {
> + const AccountInfo &accInfo = m_accounts[i];
> + // if the account is disabled or the new source was already created we do not need to sync
> + if (accInfo.syncEnabled &&
> + accInfo.newSourceId.isEmpty() &&
> + !accInfo.oldSourceId.isEmpty()) {
> + qDebug() << "SyncEvolution: Prepare to sync" << accInfo.accountId << accInfo.accountName;
> + m_syncEvolutionQueue << i;
> + } else {
> + qDebug() << "SyncEvolution: Skip sync for disabled account" << accInfo.accountId << accInfo.accountName;
> + }
> + }
> +
> + syncOldContactsContinue();
> +}
> +
> +void ButeoImport::syncOldContactsContinue()
> +{
> + if (m_syncEvolutionQueue.isEmpty()) {
> + continueUpdate();
> + return;
> + }
> +
> + const AccountInfo &accInfo = m_accounts[m_syncEvolutionQueue.first()];
> + QDBusReply<void> result = m_syncMonitorInterface->call("syncAccount", accInfo.accountId, "contacts");
> + if (result.error().isValid()) {
> + qWarning() << "SyncEvolution: Fail to start account sync" << accInfo.accountId << accInfo.accountName << result.error();
> + onError("", ButeoImport::InitialSyncError, true);
> + } else {
> + qDebug() << "SyncEvolution: Syncing" << accInfo.accountId << accInfo.accountName;
> + }
> +}
> +
> ABUpdateModule::ImportError ButeoImport::parseError(int errorCode) const
> {
> switch (errorCode)
> @@ -702,29 +912,33 @@
> case 2:
> return;
> case 3:
> - qWarning() << "Sync error for account:" << accountId << "and profile" << profileName;
> - m_failToSyncProfiles << profileName;
> - m_lastError = parseError(moreDetails);
> + if (!accInfo.syncEnabled) {
> + // error because the accout is not enabled
accout -> account
> + } else {
> + qWarning() << "Sync error for account:" << accInfo.accountId << "and profile" << profileName;
> + m_failToSyncProfiles << profileName;
> + m_lastError = parseError(moreDetails);
> + }
> break;
> case 4:
> - qDebug() << "Sync finished for account:" << accountId << "and profile" << profileName;
> + qDebug() << "Sync finished for account:" << accInfo.accountId << "and profile" << profileName;
> break;
> case 5:
> - qWarning() << "Sync aborted for account:" << accountId << "and profile" << profileName;
> + qWarning() << "Sync aborted for account:" << accInfo.accountId << "and profile" << profileName;
> m_failToSyncProfiles << profileName;
> break;
> }
> -
> - if (accountId > 0) {
> - m_pendingAccountToProfiles.remove(accountId);
> - if (m_pendingAccountToProfiles.isEmpty()) {
> - qDebug() << "All accounts has fineshed the sync, number of accounts that fail to sync:" << m_failToSyncProfiles.size();
> - if (m_failToSyncProfiles.isEmpty()) {
> - Q_EMIT updated();
> - } else {
> - QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "onError", Qt::QueuedConnection,
> - Q_ARG(QString, ""), Q_ARG(int, m_lastError));
> - }
> + m_buteoQueue.remove(index);
> + qDebug() << "Accounts to sync" << m_buteoQueue;
> + if (m_buteoQueue.isEmpty()) {
> + qDebug() << "All accounts has fineshed the sync, number of accounts that fail to sync:" << m_failToSyncProfiles;
has fineshed -> have finished
> + if (m_failToSyncProfiles.isEmpty()) {
> + Q_EMIT updated();
> + } else {
> + QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "onError", Qt::QueuedConnection,
> + Q_ARG(QString, ""),
> + Q_ARG(int, m_lastError),
> + Q_ARG(bool, true));
> }
> }
> }
> === modified file 'updater/ab-update.cpp'
> --- updater/ab-update.cpp 2015-09-29 14:37:03 +0000
> +++ updater/ab-update.cpp 2015-10-15 16:01:53 +0000
> @@ -118,6 +116,11 @@
> return;
> }
> + if (m_waitingForIntenert) {
This variable should probably be called m_waitingForInternet
> + m_waitingForIntenert = false;
> + m_netManager->disconnect(this);
> + }
> +
> m_lock.lock();
> m_modulesToUpdate = modulesToUpdate;
> qDebug() << "Modules to update" << m_modulesToUpdate.size();
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