[Merge] lp:camera-app/staging into lp:camera-app

Florian Boucault florian.boucault at canonical.com
Wed Nov 25 18:01:45 UTC 2015

The proposal to merge lp:camera-app/staging into lp:camera-app has been updated.

Commit Message changed to:

New release:
- Bump framework version to ubuntu-sdk-15.04.3
- New option for the user to choose between the maximum resolution the sensor allows or the resolution that fits the screen.
- Add option to disable shutter sound
- Correctly reset the zoom UI when the actual zoom level of the camera resets due to switching cameras or recording modes
- Hide the HDR setting while recording video as it does not apply to this mode

For more details, see:
Your team Ubuntu Phablet Team is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:camera-app/staging into lp:camera-app.

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