[Merge] lp:~w-ondra/ubuntu/vivid/initramfs-tools-ubuntu-touch/fstab into lp:ubuntu/initramfs-tools-ubuntu-touch

Ondrej Kubik ondrej.kubik at canonical.com
Fri Mar 27 12:49:13 UTC 2015

Please read the change again, this code does not replaces existing mechanism.
It adds another option to defines what should be mounted where.
It allows to mount partitions which might be specific to the device.
Adding fstab file is not the issue, since for all devices we are currently working on, we are repacking init ramfs.
Adding another command line option as another mount point simply does not scale, idea of this change is to support various combination, which could be simply defined in fstab.

Goal of this MR is not replace something existing, it's to add more flexibility or other options for future devices.
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