[Blueprint lubuntu-v-qt-items] Lubuntu 15.04 : Qt work items

Jörn Schönyan joern.schoenyan at web.de
Wed Mar 18 08:48:41 UTC 2015

Blueprint changed by Jörn Schönyan:

Work items changed:
  Work items:
- Set up a team for packaging lxqt in Debian / Ubuntu / Any .deb distro (Talk to siduction peopl and lxde mailing list - some people did some packaging work): TODO
+ Set up a team for packaging lxqt in Debian / Ubuntu / Any .deb distro (Talk to siduction peopl and lxde mailing list - some people did some packaging work): DONE
  Figure out Qt applications, see https://blueprints.launchpad.net/lubuntu-brainstorming/qt-migration: INPROGRESS
  Fix linked bugs: TODO
  [gilir] List missing icons from lxqt components in lubuntu-artwork icon set (mostly done, will see after the 1st wave of new icons what's missing): DONE
- Port ubiquity-kde to something more Qt5 and less kde-dependant: TODO
+ Port ubiquity-kde to something more Qt5 and less kde-dependant: INPROGRESS
  Apply custom configuration to sddm: TODO
  Autologin on live ISO for sddm (check with KDE guys for a casper hook): TODO
  Port lxqt-session-config to lxsession: TODO
  Add language support - resurect language-selector-kde and port it to python3 / Qt5 (see https://code.launchpad.net/~lubuntu-dev/language-selector/qt-frontend): INPROGRESS
  Implement indicator support on lxqt-panel: TODO

Lubuntu 15.04 : Qt work items

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