[Merge] lp:~renatofilho/address-book-app/new-bottom-edge into lp:address-book-app

Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho renato.filho at canonical.com
Sun Dec 20 15:36:13 UTC 2015

> Silo 55:
> tesing on krillin
> - try to search, type in search string, open resultant contact, click back,
> now you are stuck on search page with back button disabled
> See this in log
> file:///usr/share/address-book-app/imports/ABContactListPage.qml:615:
> TypeError: Cannot read property 'status' of null
> file:///usr/share/address-book-app/imports/ABContactListPage.qml:441:
> TypeError: Cannot read property 'status' of null
Fixed rev. 50

> - opening a contact, sometimes get a page with no back button, it's happend 3
> or 4 times but can't reproduce reliably
> - the order of the icons changed on the toolbar, settings and search positions
> are swapped
This is a regression caused by the new SDK, we need to discuss if it was intentional and we need to change the code or it was a real bug.

> - Very often bottom edge swipe fails and it does not get properly activated
> (doesn't get displayed), when this happens I see multiple failure messages:
> file:///usr/lib/arm-linux-
> gnueabihf/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/Components/1.0/Icon.qml:37:5: QML QQuickImage: Failed
> to get image from provider: image://theme/clear-search
This warning message is a bug caused by the new SDK, you can notice that now the input fields does not have the  clear button anymore. You should have the same problems in all apps.

> - There is a very big delay in the animation when swiping up from bottom, the
> page does not follow my finger as it used to. We had this problem in the past
> and needed to have the page created up front as it takes too long to create it
> dynamically. This shouldn't be done at start up but after the app is displayed
> then it should be created and cached.
Everything on bottom edge is controlled by the SDK now, we (the application) doe not have control over the animation or how to load the page. During the tests I noticed that the page does not follow the finger speed but I think it is intentional because the animation has a controlled speed. (we can discuss that with the SDK team).

> - Open bottom edge, then close it, get these errors in log
> file:///usr/lib/arm-linux-
> gnueabihf/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/Components/1.0/Icon.qml:37:5: QML QQuickImage: Failed
> to get image from provider: image://theme/clear-search
> file:///usr/lib/arm-linux-
> gnueabihf/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/Components/1.0/Icon.qml:37:5: QML QQuickImage: Failed
> to get image from provider: image://theme/clear-search
> file:///usr/lib/arm-linux-
> gnueabihf/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/Components/1.0/Icon.qml:37:5: QML QQuickImage: Failed
> to get image from provider: image://theme/clear-search
> file:///usr/lib/arm-linux-
> gnueabihf/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/Components/1.0/Icon.qml:37:5: QML QQuickImage: Failed
> to get image from provider: image://theme/clear-search
This warning message is a bug caused by the new SDK, you can notice that now the input fields does not have the  clear button anymore. You should have the same problems in all apps.

> - pressing edit on a contact is slow again
I have optimized it a lit bit on rev 573. But we can not create the page sync as we use to do because of this bug #1528017. 
AdaptativeLayout always create the page async and for some reason it is way more slower than creating it sync. bug #1510201 (which was marked as invalid)
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