[Merge] lp:~rpadovani/webbrowser-app/newTabRefactoring into lp:webbrowser-app

Riccardo Padovani riccardo at rpadovani.com
Mon Apr 13 11:01:57 UTC 2015

Actually, I also found a workaround for the LimitProxyModel bug (it doesn't emit the signal when a delegate is removed), so now it should works well in any case (add more than 5 elements, the show more button appears, fix bug #1442190).

Now we can do whatever we want with sections, we can also hide headers when we want. 
And I think code is cleaner.

A thing I can do is adding a count property to BookmarksModel class to avoid to use LimitProxyModel to count number of object (but we still need it for the top sites section).

I propose an implementation I like, but we can discuss it now there isn't any of the bug I reported in previous comments.

What do you think?
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