[Merge] lp:~rpadovani/webbrowser-app/1351167 into lp:webbrowser-app

Olivier Tilloy olivier.tilloy at canonical.com
Wed Oct 15 08:50:49 UTC 2014

Review: Needs Fixing

When installing the packages built by CI on a device, the browser fails to start with the following error:

 "file:///usr/share/webbrowser-app/webbrowser/webbrowser-app.qml:45 Type Browser unavailable
 file:///usr/share/webbrowser-app/webbrowser/Browser.qml:325 Type ExpandedHistoryView unavailable
 file:///usr/share/webbrowser-app/webbrowser/ExpandedHistoryView.qml:22 "upstreamcomponents": no such directory

You will need to add "usr/share/webbrowser-app/upstreamcomponents/" to debian/webbrowser-app.install.
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