[Merge] lp:~ken-vandine/content-hub/charge-downloaded into lp:content-hub

Ken VanDine ken.vandine at canonical.com
Thu May 22 09:34:39 UTC 2014

Ken VanDine has proposed merging lp:~ken-vandine/content-hub/charge-downloaded into lp:content-hub.

Commit message:
Check for completed downloads when an import handler is registered, charge if necessary.  This will trigger an import for completed downloads that might have been dismissed in the notification.

Requested reviews:
  Ubuntu Phablet Team (phablet-team)

For more details, see:

Check for completed downloads when an import handler is registered, charge if necessary.  This will trigger an import for completed downloads that might have been dismissed in the notification.

Your team Ubuntu Phablet Team is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~ken-vandine/content-hub/charge-downloaded into lp:content-hub.
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