[Merge] lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/utopic/sysvinit/unreviewed into lp:ubuntu/sysvinit

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at ubuntu.com
Tue May 20 06:33:22 UTC 2014

Steve Langasek [2014-05-20  1:12 -0000]:
> What is the reason for this revert, which seems to me to be unrelated to the
> rest of the changes?  This seems like a lot of fuss for handling of upstart
> jobs in a chroot, for which the right answer is almost always "install a
> policy-rc.d that blocks all services from starting".

Please note that this isn't about actually starting services in a
chroot. Dimitri's intention was to replace the [ -e /etc/init/$JOB.conf ]
with "ask upstart if it knows about $JOB", and the first iteration was
"initctl status $JOB doesn't fail". That doesn't work due to what I
described in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sysvinit/2.88dsf-41ubuntu12
but during our live builds we do have policy-rc.d, so we don't
actually start services.

So we either need a fallback like that (which isn't really correct
though), or maintain a list of possible job locations in invoke-rc.d
(like /lib/init/*.conf, /etc/upstart/overrides/*.conf, or whereever)

> Do we have a consensus on what the right behavior is here if the
> host upstart does not support chroot sessions, and no policy-rc.d is
> in place?  Should invoke-rc.d error out, or should it fall back to
> starting via the init script, which seem to be the two options we're
> flipping between here?

I don't have a strong opinion about either way, but my gut feeling is
that it's more predictable to just not start anything at all if the
host upstart doesn't support chroot mode.

> > +# NB! on ubuntu this file is usually not used at all, as it's
> > +# redundant under upstart or systemd. This file is purely introduced
> > +# to enable insserv / systemd init.d scripts activation
> > +. /lib/lsb/init-functions
> IMHO the benefit of this expository comment is outweighed by the detriment
> of having the extra delta in these scripts; but that's just my opinion.


Martin Pitt                        | http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer (www.ubuntu.com)  | Debian Developer  (www.debian.org)

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