[Blueprint 1410-qt-text-editor] Discussion about text editor for 14.10 Qt version

Jörn Schönyan joern.schoenyan at web.de
Sat Jun 7 11:44:41 UTC 2014

Blueprint changed by Jörn Schönyan:

Whiteboard changed:
  === Proposals with +++ and --- ===
  + qtbased + lightweight
  *** http://hugo.pereira.free.fr/software/index.php?page=package&package_list=software_list_qt4&package=qedit&full=0
  --- no package
  --more memory than juffed.
  === Discussion ===
  [gilir] This is a comment
  [israeldahl] Kate... will it bring in too much KDE stuff?  It would be nice to have one with syntax highlighting.
+ [joern-schoenyan]Kate is awesome, but it has KDE dependencies. We should have a look at it in the future, likely KDE is able to remove the dependencies. But for now -1 Kate from me.

Discussion about text editor for 14.10 Qt version

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