[Merge] lp:~achiang/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.utopic into lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.utopic

Colin Watson cjwatson at canonical.com
Mon Jul 7 20:33:41 UTC 2014

The behaviour for touch-core seems fine.  For touch-android, though, I see two mistakes:

 * You should not list touch-android in ubuntu-touch-meta/update.cfg if you don't want to build a metapackage for it.
 * You need to help out germinate-update-metapackage a little bit to tell it that it needs to include the entries from the touch-android seed in the metapackage corresponding to the touch seed (that is, ubuntu-touch).  You can achieve this by putting "Task-Seeds: touch-android" in the header paragraph of the touch seed.  Compare the desktop seed in the ubuntu.utopic seeds, which does a similar trick with desktop-common.

This should make the metapackage contents work out better.  Let me know if it doesn't.
Your team Ubuntu Core Development Team is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~achiang/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.utopic into lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.utopic.

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