[Merge] lp:~artmello/webbrowser-app/webbrowser-app-bookmarks_top_sites into lp:webbrowser-app

Olivier Tilloy olivier.tilloy at canonical.com
Fri Jul 4 07:26:20 UTC 2014

1197	+    void shouldLimitEntries()
1198	+    {
1199	+        model->setLimit(2);
1200	+
1201	+        history->add(QUrl("http://example1.org/"), "Example 1 Domain", QUrl());
1202	+        QTest::qWait(1001);
1203	+        history->add(QUrl("http://example2.org/"), "Example 2 Domain", QUrl());
1204	+        QTest::qWait(1001);
1205	+        history->add(QUrl("http://example3.org/"), "Example 3 Domain", QUrl());
1206	+
1207	+        QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(), 2);
1208	+        QCOMPARE(model->unlimitedRowCount(), 3);
1209	+    }

It would be useful to test additional conditions:
 - checking that the initial value of the limit is -1
 - setting the limit to -1
 - setting the limit to a number greater than the number of entries
 - setting the limit after populating the history model, to verify that it is correctly updated
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