[Blueprint full-lts] Full LTS

Julien Lavergne julien.lavergne at gmail.com
Mon Oct 28 19:54:49 UTC 2013

Blueprint changed by Julien Lavergne:

Whiteboard changed:
  [amjjawad] Lubuntu 14.04 should be a full LTS: 5 years (April 2014 -
  April 2019) = +1
  Completely agree !
  [vanyok] Absolutely agree. Lubuntu is pretty stable as such but this LTS
  support is especially needed for those who migrated from Win XP and
  don't want to participate in those upgrades every 6 months (working
  organizations as well as my parents :).
  [David Yentzen] Agree completely.  Lubuntu 14.04 should be a 5 year LTS.
  It will enhance Lubuntu's ability to attract former WinXP users.
  5 years. completely agree.
  [joern-schoenyan] That more or less doubles the effort to maintain the
  LTS. I don't think the Lubuntu-Team has the manpower to do this. So -1
  from me.
+ [gilir] People who are agree are not the people who will actually
+ maintain it. Concidering the people available for maintaining it, 3
+ years is already very very very ambitious (and I'm very very very
+ optimist).

Full LTS

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