[Blueprint update-themes] To review openbox themes included in the default image.

Ivan Bulychev vanyok at gmail.com
Wed Oct 23 14:12:01 UTC 2013

Blueprint changed by Ivan Bulychev:

Whiteboard changed:
  [amjjawad] I used to be against such suggestions before but when
  StartUbuntu Project Started and to be more accurate, when the world knew
  Microsoft Windows XP will reach its EOL in April 2014 and while it is no
  secret that Lubuntu is one of the most strong candidates to replace XP,
  I find this idea really helpful for those who desperately need and wish
  to feel home and I find no reason to not vote for this with +1 :)
  If truth to be told, there was someone so much interested to help -
  Federico Leoni - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/lubuntu-
  users/2013-July/004821.html and for some odd reason, the whole thing has
  stopped because he felt that the developers are not interested and some
  others were against that. Over 120 emails - you can check July 2013
  Archive - the whole thing stopped at this point:
  So, hopefully Federico or someone else can step in and do that :)
+ [vanyok]
+ That's proposed exactly for those reasons you confirmed, AJ.
+ I didn't know about the work on those scripts for Lubuntu alternative sessions, but so far that idea looks amazing!(especially if afterwrds wrap those scripts into nice GUI) :-)

To review openbox themes included in the default image.

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