[Blueprint menu-editor] A need for a menu editor

Theredbaron Theredbaron1834 at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 20 05:42:55 UTC 2013

Blueprint changed by Theredbaron:

Whiteboard changed:
  [amjjawad] I think you are trying to say that we need to include
  MenuLibre by default?!
  [vanyok] It's a nice feature but "nice to have" rather than "must have"
  I would say. I don't see a very big value in adding this to the default
  installation image. Once user is familiar with the system he/she can
  install this package and adjust the menu if needed. Just my opinion.
  [Baron] I am not saying MenuLibre, that is just the one I use (due to
  the small size, and ease of use). It is just that LXDE is the only "big"
  DE that doesn't come with one standard, and it is my belief that it is
  "should" be standard program.
  [Noskcaj] +1 to menulibre. bluesabre has put a lot of good work into it,
  and xubuntu plan to include it for this release. It is currently being
  re-written to be fully ready.
  [joern-schoenyan] Could someone ask at the Xubuntu-team, if they already packaged menulibre? it is not in the trusty repos. And for the future, we would need a replacement written in Qt, don't forget that ;-)
    - it will be packaged and uploaded as soon as the current r-write is finished (this month) [Noskcaj]
  [gilir] pcmanfm 1.2.0 will ship a menu-editor by default, it is planned
  for 14.04. No need to add more, just need people to be aware of it. You
  can already test it with lubuntu daily builds, go to "Applications", and
  just play.
+ [Baron] Good to know, will check it out now.

A need for a menu editor

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