[Blueprint community-r-edubuntu-desktop] Edubuntu Desktop Plans

Stéphane Graber stgraber at stgraber.org
Fri Nov 9 17:27:39 UTC 2012

Blueprint changed by Stéphane Graber:

Work items changed:
  Work items:
  [kate.stewart] set up wiki page for needs-packaging bugs: TODO
  [jonathan] send kate preliminary list of packages of interest so far from his machine: TODO
  [kate.stewart] Do a call for community packagers: TODO
  [jonathan] Do a call for community packagers: TODO
  [edubuntu-dev] re-evaluate package selection (needs to run on ARM as well): TODO
- [stgraber] nag alkis about epoptes that doesn't run on ARM: TODO
+ [stgraber] nag alkis about epoptes that doesn't run on ARM: DONE
  [stgraber] Get some progress information into the langpack installer: TODO
  [stgraber] Get langpack installer buttons translated: TODO
  [jonathan] prepare dynamic slides for edubuntu-slideshow: TODO
  [jonathan] new artwork, check that it looks good on unity 2d, unity 3d and gnome-session-fallback, make sure, check unity-3d launcher colour, make sure it looks good: TODO
  [jonathan] document x2go server on LTSP application server if available, include if available or postpone (beta2 or FFe): TODO
  [stgraber] Add support for nbd in NETBOOT= for casper: TODO
  [edubuntu-dev] juju charm for moodle (ask marco ceppi perhaps): POSTPONED
  [jonathan] consider packaging KidMP (might be kubuntu work item): TODO

Edubuntu Desktop Plans

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