[Blueprint community-q-edubuntu] Edubuntu plans for 12.10
Jonathan Carter
jonathan at ubuntu.com
Mon May 28 19:26:57 UTC 2012
Blueprint changed by Jonathan Carter:
Work items changed:
Work items for quantal-alpha-1:
[bencer] Look at schooltool and see if it can integrate with Zentyal: TODO
[jonathan] new artwork, check that it looks good on unity 2d, unity 3d and gnome-session-fallback, make sure, check unity-3d launcher colour, make sure it looks good: TODO
[jonathan] KDE Edu packages review, check alternatives for these and what's best: INPROGRESS
[stgraber] add gnote to seeds, check that tomboy notes are properly migrated: TODO
[jonathan] prepare dynamic slides for edubuntu-slideshow: TODO
[jonathan] offload unity educational lenses to community team: TODO
[jonathan] update drupal theme or make new theme for edubuntu drupal 7 website: TODO
[jonathan] drop identica and replace by G+: TODO
[jonathan] check for an alternative for stellarium on ARM: TODO
[jonathan] package golden ribbon's playground wallpapers: TODO
[jonathan] make edubuntu meetings weekly again: TODO
- [jonathan] make ltsp-live use autologin: TODO
+ [jonathan] make ltsp-live use autologin: INPROGRESS
[jonathan] interviews with new edubuntu contributors: TODO
[mhall119] deprecate the appguide on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Edubuntu/AppGuide and replace with links to https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/ on our website: DONE
[jonathan] Organise with IS so that wiki.edubuntu.org redirects to wiki.ubuntu.com: DONE
Work items for quantal-alpha-2:
[stgraber] Add support for nbd in NETBOOT= for casper: TODO
[stgraber] investigate the state of sssd against samba4 and report to edubuntu-devel list: TODO
[stgraber] migrate drupal 6 -> drupal 7 content: TODO
[edubuntu-dev] juju charm for moodle (ask marco ceppi perhaps): TODO
[edubuntu-dev] get in touch with ubuntu-manual project, check what ubuntu-doc project is using for new help site, :Oput together strategy for manual, recruit some documenters: TODO
[stgraber] Move all the langpacks the non-english to /pool and have them install when opening the user session: TODO
[jonathan] check status of pessulus and whether we should include it again: http://tranzistors.wordpress.com/2012/05/07/being-accepted-in-gsoc-and-revamp-of-pessulus/: TODO
[jonathan] check with kubuntu/arm team and get an edubuntu installer image for zatab: TODO
[stgraber] Move ltsp-live to an edubuntu-netboot package covering both ltsp-live and casper-netboot: TODO
Work items for quantal-alpha-3:
[edubuntu-dev] Depending on result of above work item, implement support for sssd in auth-client-config: TODO
[alkisg] tablet/utouch integration for epoptes: TODO
[jonathan] get a bootable image for zatab: TODO
[edubuntu-dev] server strategy: check zentyal integration with schooltool status, not use fog, check alkisg's status for cloning solution, lxc+juju. Review at alpha1. If it's ready for alhpa1, we create a Debian Task for installing edubuntu server, if not, it's postponed for 13.04: TODO
[jonathan] prepare promotional slides for software-center in edubuntu: TODO
Work items for ubuntu-12.10-beta-1:
[jonathan] check status for x2go server on LTSP application server if available, include if available or postpone (beta2 or FFe): TODO
[edubuntu-dev] review install experience on tablet: TODO
Work items for ubuntu-12.10:
[stgraber] prepare edubuntu website changes: announcement banner, release notes, release announcement: TODO
[stgraber] prepare edubuntu website changes: announcement banner, release notes, release announcement: TODO
Edubuntu plans for 12.10
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