[Blueprint lubuntu-q-work-items] Lubuntu work items for Q
ikem.krueger at googlemail.com
Tue May 22 06:35:56 UTC 2012
Blueprint changed by ikem:
Whiteboard changed:
- [ikem] I like to see Sylpheed with user defined icon theme.
+ [ikem] I like to see Sylpheed using the system icon theme.
[kanliot] this is an actual problem, not a wishlist. if we installed a .desktop shortcut to alsamixer. noobs would be able to find it. I just encountered such a person on the forum.
[gilir] The problem is why it needs to access directly the mixer. Normal user just need the capability of the volume applet, and the option to access more options are also available at the same place.
Would be nice if I can right click on the volume applet and get an option like "Open sound mixer" and it starts "gnome-alsamixer".
As xxxterm is less resource hungry than Chromium & is already in Universe, what are the thoughts to switch to this as 'default', or even include it as an option if disk space on the install CD's allows?
Ressources is not the only factor to compare. We need also to compare the features and the speed between the browser. Also, a browser need a strong upstream support, for example to fix security issues.
xxxterm is a nice lightweight browser but it misses some comfort (i.e. Bookmarking support & Extensions). So I agree with Julien here.
If Chromium is not, as Julien has mentioned, currently getting regular builds; we may
have to think of other options. I'm quite happy to have just have it mentioned on the
minimal install page as a low resource browser (with less bloat, comes less functions).
I vote for Midori. It's small, it's fast, supports adblock and flashblock (via userscript). The only thing need to be improved is crash handling (right now it recovers only the first open window).
[Pierre Gobin]
Use (create) a Lubuntu Control Center to gather different System and Preferences options, and delete System and Preferences categories in the menu in favor of only two items : Lubuntu Control Center ans Lubuntu Software Center.
Ideally, it should also include integration in a single window, like most of control center do. It's not trivial to implement.
You can also use the lubuntu control center, which is only a launcher for others preferences programs. The ideas is interested, but it needs more work to be more useful than a replacement for the Preference Menu.
[Pierre Gobin]
In PCmanFM, create default bookmarks for personal folders (Documents, Music, Pictures, etc.) and use custom icons for them.
Adding shortcuts is done for quantal, having custom icons need a modification in pcmanfm itself.
When I add a shortcut, I want an open window where I can click on a program/folder/whatever and it creates a shortcut and launches "lxshortcut" to edit them further (or discard them finally).
=== Closed discussions ===
[Michael Rawson]
If we're going to add catfish to the seed, what happened to lxfind? I seem to recall that being relatively stable when I last used it...
I updated the task to reflect the choice between catfish and lxfind
i know this is impossible, but i'd love to be able to install lubuntu on xfs. I don't think you can, right now (it's missing from the liveCD)
[leszek] (You can if you install xfs-tools from inside the live system before starting the installer)
[cjwatson] This is a straightforward seed bug and easy to fix; probably the live seed ought to inherit from live-common, but failing that, include the necessary packages by hand.
[gilir] thanks cjwatson, I added a task to look at this during q cycle
Under 'Work Items' it says: Investigate new image viewer (Viewnior?)
I suggest also considering Eye of Gnome.
Gpicview, the present image viewer, is buggy and does not seem to be in much development. There are several better (and light) alternatives.
eog depends on GNOME components, I don't think we need them to find a good alternative. Anyway, that could be part of the discussion for the image viewer
Discussion started on the mailing list, please add your arguments to the discussion
[Pierre Gobin]
If it is possible, in lxpanel, to automatically center icons on the panel : it would be interesting when we create a second panel as a dock. Currently icons remain attached on a side.
It's a bug to report to lxpanel.
[Pierre Gobin]
Bug reported here : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxpanel/+bug/997179
Lubuntu work items for Q
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