[Merge] lp:~dylanmccall/update-manager/group-by-applications into lp:update-manager

Dylan McCall dylanmccall at gmail.com
Fri Jun 29 01:02:19 UTC 2012

Dylan McCall has proposed merging lp:~dylanmccall/update-manager/group-by-applications into lp:update-manager.

Requested reviews:
  Ubuntu Core Development Team (ubuntu-core-dev)

For more details, see:

This is a first step towards grouping updates according to the specification at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareUpdates.

There are some details still to be worked out, but the feature so far is functional :)

 - Changed the list of updates to a treeview, where updates are collapsed under application names.
 - UpdateList links updated packages to applications and groups them according to dependencies.
 - Restart required indicator is shown for packages with "XB-Restart-Required: system." There is a temporary override for linux-meta for testing purposes.
 - Update origins are not displayed.

Known issues, to be resolved with future work:
 - Indentation in the update tree view is presently hard coded and probably belongs (at least partly) in the light-themes package.
 - The 'Ubuntu base' update group should list specific core packages, not 'everything else.' The specification is unclear on what to do with everything else, so it's like this for the time being.
 - The Updates Required icon does not have its corresponding UI element below the download size text.
 - The Download column does not yet show a check mark for downloaded packages.
 - "Terminal" has an expander, with "gnome-terminal" as a child. Instead, group headers should simply be packages instead of their own things.

So, it isn't _finished_, but it does seem to be in a working state. The reason I'm interested in merging with trunk is because I want to keep our code in sync. Most of the crazy merge conflicts are probably done with now (especially since we seem to be standardized on 4 space indents). However, my diff spans _a lot_ of UpdateList.py and UpdatesAvailable.py, so any conflicts can be a real pain to deal with.
Your team Ubuntu Core Development Team is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~dylanmccall/update-manager/group-by-applications into lp:update-manager.
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