[Blueprint desktop-o-kubuntu-defaults] Kubuntu Defaults for Oneiric

Jonathan Thomas echidnaman at kubuntu.org
Sat Jun 11 18:25:36 UTC 2011

Blueprint changed by Jonathan Thomas:

Whiteboard changed:
  Work items:
  [kubuntu-members] Agree with rekonq devs on version of qtwebkit to ship/develop with, preferably 2.2: TODO
  [kubuntu-members] Establish ongoing communication with upstream qtwebkit & rekonq: TODO
  [kubuntu-members] Discuss rekonq shortcut alignment (with chromium/firefox) with upstream: TODO
  [debfx] Kick KPK off the CD: DONE
  [debfx] Get Muon Software Center on the CD: DONE
  [apachelogger] Work out whether Muon package manager should be on the CD too (meeting): TODO
- [echidnaman] Impl Muon UI improvements as brought up by agateau and apachelogger: TODO
+ [echidnaman] Impl Muon UI improvements as brought up by agateau and apachelogger: INPROGRESS
  [echidnaman] Investigate mobile muon UI/QML port: TODO
  [apachelogger] Investigate mobile muon UI/QML port: TODO
- [echidnaman] Change new filesharing magic from PK to QApt: TODO
- [rbelem] Change new filesharing magic from PK to QApt: TODO
+ [echidnaman] Change new filesharing magic from PK to QApt: DONE
  [apachelogger] Create Plasma Unity template: TODO
  [jussi01] Create Plasma Unity template: TODO
  [apachelogger] Find out what colin's plan for new KMix magic is: INPROGRESS
  [quintasan] Evaluate backup options: DONE
  [echidnaman] Evaluate kcm-grub2 for inclusion on the CD: TODO
   - KBackInTime is superior as backup solution

Kubuntu Defaults for Oneiric

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