[Blueprint desktop-o-kubuntu-wiki] Kubuntu Oneiric Wiki

David Wonderly ubuntu at darkwingduck.org
Tue Aug 30 21:00:39 UTC 2011

Blueprint changed by David Wonderly:

Whiteboard changed:
  Work items:
  [ryanakca] implement wiki theme http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/wiki/: TODO
  [david.wonderly] get new drupal theme for kubuntu.org (to match wiki): TODO
  [madsheytan] get new drupal theme for kubuntu.org (to match wiki): TODO
  [david.wonderly] create help.kubuntu.org: TODO
- [kubuntu-members] tidy up Kubuntu wiki header: remove knowledge base link and mention of #kubutnu-netbook: TODO
+ [david.wonderly] tidy up Kubuntu wiki header: remove knowledge base link and mention of #kubutnu-netbook: Done
  [kubuntu-members] Create templates for more useful kubuntu.org announcements: TODO
  [kubuntu-members] Ensure that it is clear that the wiki is for the team whereas help is for users: TODO

Kubuntu Oneiric Wiki

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