[Merge] lp:~lynxman/ubuntu/natty/mcollective/natty-upstart into lp:ubuntu/mcollective

Marc Cluet marc.cluet at canonical.com
Mon Apr 18 19:03:05 UTC 2011

Marc Cluet has proposed merging lp:~lynxman/ubuntu/natty/mcollective/natty-upstart into lp:ubuntu/mcollective.

Requested reviews:
  Ubuntu Development Team (ubuntu-dev)

For more details, see:

* Changes upstart script to not daemonize, avoid multiple daemonize scenario
* Modified server.cfg to reflect change
Your team Ubuntu Development Team is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~lynxman/ubuntu/natty/mcollective/natty-upstart into lp:ubuntu/mcollective.
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