Missing .buildinfo files in Focal and Jammy for packages in main

Robie Basak robie.basak at ubuntu.com
Wed Jun 5 11:30:59 UTC 2024

Hi Phil,

Thank you for working on verifiable package builds!

On Wed, Jun 05, 2024 at 12:20:28PM +0100, Phil Roche wrote:
> I am bringing this to your attention as in support of being able to verify
> package builds in Ubuntu LTS releases I propose that we no change rebuild
> the above packages.

The downside of this is that every user who has these packages installed
would have extra updates to download even if they have no interest (and
therefore gain no benefit) from the rebuild. There's also the risk of a
change in the build environment or non-determinimism in the build
resulting in a regression for existing users, and whatever QA we might
apply can never fully mitigate this.

It certainly makes sense to do this in the development release - thank
you for verifying that it is already done!

To do it retrospectively in previous releases I think we need a specific
justification though please, given the burden and risk on existing

> The current understanding is that this would require SRU for each
> package. @SRU-team Is that true for this use case or can an exception be
> made?

We could do something in bulk to save doing unnecessary paperwork, but I
think we would need _some_ kind of QA plan to have some confidence that
something in the build environment or non-determinism hasn't changed
such that the rebuild turns out to regress users.

> If SRU is required, are the SRU team willing to accept these packages
> through SRU? perhaps a prioritised list initially?

I think this would depend on the justification provided.


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