Ubuntu Studio Minimal ISO

Steve Langasek steve.langasek at ubuntu.com
Wed Jul 24 20:20:03 UTC 2024

Hi Erich,

Before I would be willing to sign off with my Release Team hat on the
addition of another variant image, I would need some clarification about
what exactly the intent is here.

Xubuntu made the case for a minimal ISO because Xubuntu itself targets
systems with lower specs; having a minimal image that is targeting
particularly low-end systems that might otherwise not be supported is a
tangible goal.  (The initial Xubuntu minimal images weighed in at 1.8GiB -
fits on a 2GB USB stick, is potentially netbootable with the mini.iso on a
system with less memory than others, etc.) Meanwhile, the Ubuntu Studio ISO,
at 6.8GiB, is the largest flavor image that we ship.  It should be clear
what niche a "minimal" version of an Ubuntu Studio ISO is expected to fill
before we commit the resources to building and hosting it.

$ sudo apt install --install-recommends ubuntustudio-desktop-core
  Space needed: 3755 MB / 72.2 GB available

Continue? [Y/n] ^C
$ sudo apt install --install-recommends ubuntustudio-desktop
  Space needed: 8417 MB / 72.0 GB available

Continue? [Y/n] ^C

It's not straightforward to translate these numbers into ISO sizes, but
while it makes sense to have multiple install profiles on a given ISO,
having a complete second ISO only makes sense if reducing the resources
needed by the installer itself (download size?  size of install media?  boot
speed?  minimum memory requirements?) are going to make installing
accessible to users that it wouldn't otherwise be.

In particular, my understanding is that, without any of the applications
pulled in from the main desktop metapackage (and the domain metapackages -
photography, etc), the ubuntustudio minimal desktop is effectively just a
KDE desktop.  And to get any of the actual applications (the real
"Ubuntu Studio-ness") after installing from an Ubuntu Studio minimal image
would require an apt install of them from over the network.  So what
advantage would an Ubuntu Studio minimal image give (for the user; for the
broader Ubuntu ecosystem) over installing from a Kubuntu image and then 'apt
install ubuntustudio-desktop-core ubuntustudio-audio kubuntu-desktop_'?

On Tue, Jul 16, 2024 at 10:56:26AM -0700, Erich Eickmeyer wrote:
> Hi TB and Release Team!
> Much like Xubuntu has done, and to appease our community for an oft-requested feature, for 24.10 we would like to add a minimal .iso image.
> I have already submitted a merge proposal at https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/livecd-rootfs/+git/livecd-rootfs/+merge/469503 for a minimal installation, which I believe would be a first step towards this. Once we are past this, I believe it's simply a matter of adding the following lines, but I'm pretty sure it simply requires the following lines to be added at this point:
> case ${SUBPROJECT:-} in
> 	minimal)
> 	;;
> esac
> And also add the SUBPROJECT in ubuntu-cdimage.
> Of course, I could be wrong, but anybody on the release team can advise since I don't really mess with this stuff very often.
> As I understand it, this doesn't need to go through the entire new flavor process since as the precedent set when Xubuntu added their minimal .iso image.
> Once Ubuntu Studio has theirs, Edubuntu *may* be request adding one as well as we have had some requests for this and a case made from the Educational community.
> Thanks so much!
> Erich
> --
> Erich Eickmeyer
> Project Leader - Ubuntu Studio
> Technical Lead - Edubuntu
> -- 
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Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                   https://www.debian.org/
slangasek at ubuntu.com                                     vorlon at debian.org
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