Request MRE approval for PostgreSQL

Sergio Durigan Junior sergiodj at
Thu Jan 18 02:09:58 UTC 2024

On Wednesday, January 17 2024, Christopher James Halse Rogers wrote:

> Hi there!

Hey, Chris,

Thanks for the review.

> On Sat, Jan 13 2024 at 00:08:35 -0500, Sergio Durigan Junior
> <sergio.durigan at> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> In the same spirit as Christian's formal request for an SRU
>> exception
>> for open-vm-tools, Athos and I would like to formally request the
>> approval of the PostgreSQL MRE wiki page.
>> We (the Server team) have been doing such MREs for a number of years
>> now, but it came to our attention recently that we don't actually have
>> the MRE policy for PostgreSQL formally defined in a wiki page, as is
>> usual for more recent packages.
>> I don't know much about the history behind why such page doesn't
>> exist,
>> but we would like to fix it by proposing the following document:
> It looks like a good documentation of current practice, and current
> practice looks (mostly) good.
> A couple of questions:
> * Checking the PostgreSQL policy, they say that a pg_dump/restore
>   cycle between minor updates is *normally* not needed. Has it *ever*
>   been needed in the past? Presumably we would not take such an update
>   (at least, not under this MRE)?

Athos and I have been doing this MRE for a bit more than a year now, and
so far we have never seen a situation where a pg_dump/restore cycle was
needed.  I'm Cc'ing Christian, who used to handle the MREs before us, in
case he knows something more.

> * I notice a number of the updates are of the form “Fix FROB index. If
>   you have any FROB indexes, you must run FROBINATE REINDEX to get the
>   fixes”. How do we notify users of this? It's in the changelog, which
>   is not nothing, and a debconf notice would be *way* too
>   disruptive. Is there anywhere else we should be pushing such “you
>   really should check this” notifications?

That's a good question.  My default answer for such scenarios tends to
be "let's put it in a d/NEWS file", but I appreciate the fact that not
everybody will have apt-listchanges installed.  Nonetheless, maybe
that's a good compromise between having the entries buried in the
changelog vs. having a debconf notice.  WDYT?


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