Documenting the ubuntu-release team membership process

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at
Mon Oct 9 19:32:20 UTC 2023

Dear Ubuntu Release Team members,

I've started a discussion [1] at the TB level about the fact that some 
of the Ubuntu project teams don't really communicate on how they are 
working, especially on how they select new members, which I think is 
detrimental to the project.

During one of the recent TB meetings [2] we went to an agreement that it 
would be nice if the core project teams could at least document their 
membership process. We could then add the references

I've an action items from the TB to reach out to the concerned teams to 
ask if they could provide a such documentation, which is why I'm writing 
to you now.

Let me know if I can help with the process.

Thanks in advance,
Sébastien Bacher


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