SRU bug references in upstream version bumps

Robie Basak robie.basak at
Sat Jun 24 02:47:37 UTC 2023

On Fri, Jun 23, 2023 at 10:26:12AM -0700, Steve Langasek wrote:
> Auto-closure of bug tasks was irrelevant to me.  We almost never have bug
> tasks open in Launchpad against stable series of packages, *except* when
> they have been opened as part of the SRU process.  I didn't even bother to
> look at these bugs to see if there were manually-opened tasks against the
> stable series.  If any such tasks exist, then they can be lazily closed by
> someone who cares enough to do the clean-up.

I'm not so sure about "almost never".

My feeling is that it's common for there to be bugs that have tasks open
against stable releases and are being fixed by an SRU in a microrelease
update or backport.

For example, if a user reports a bug against a package in Jammy but
fixed in a newer release through a new upstream version, then we'll
triage it by marking it Fix Released and opening a Jammy bug task, since
that's the only reasonable way of noting that status after spending the
time to figure that out. If we then SRU an upstream microrelease, the
diligent uploader will note that the bug is fixed as part of that
upload. Not closing that bug, eg. but not necessarily via the changelog
and Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed, would do the reporting user a disservice. It
will also look like our LTS is far more buggy than it actually is! Not
using Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed would require the uploader to make some
arrangement to notice and act when someone else SRU-releases it weeks

I thought of the GNOME microrelease exception as an example. From
memory, mutter was updated recently. I looked for this in Jammy and
found bug 1985089 that demonstrates exactly this. I guess Jeremy didn't
strictly _have_ to create a Jammy task there, but I would consider it
wrong to find it Fix Released for the development release and _not_ have
a Jammy task open.
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