Req: thermald special case

Christopher James Halse Rogers raof at
Wed Sep 28 07:07:06 UTC 2022


On Mon, Sep 26 2022 at 10:57:48 +0800, Koba Ko <koba.ko at> 
> hi,
> may I have an update for the thermald?
> Thanks
> Koba Ko
> On Tue, Sep 20, 2022 at 1:24 PM Koba Ko <koba.ko at> wrote:
>>  hi,
>>  for thermald, it's necessary upgrade thermald to 2.5.0 for jammy,
>>  For some issues, it's almost the same with 2.5.0 after backporting 
>> the needed.
>>  please kindly approve for thermald,
>>  here's the wiki of thermald
>>  Thanks
>>  Koba Ko

It's not entirely clear to me what you want to do here.

If you need to fix some bugs in Jammy, and updating to thermald 2.5.0 
is basically the same as applying all the patches you'd need, then you 
can just upload 2.5.0 and justify it in the SRU bug.

A wiki page such as you've drafted would be necessary if you want to 
get an on-going special process for SRUing thermald. I'm not sure 
that's necessary - it seems to have generally been possible to 
cherry-pick any necessary hardware enablement in the past without too 
much issue.

Has something changed in thermald maintenance that suggests we're going 
to need to regularly take new upstream releases rather than 
cherry-picking hardware enablement patches as necessary?

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