New Official Flavor Process Issues (Was Re: Ubuntu Cinnamon Remix packages)

eeickmeyer at eeickmeyer at
Thu Jul 28 13:55:24 UTC 2022

On Thu, 2022-07-28 at 08:35 -0400, Jeremy Bicha wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 27, 2022 at 9:22 PM <eeickmeyer at> wrote:
> > 
> > Hi Steve,
> > 
> > Your reply brings up a larger discussion which involves not only
> > the
> > technical board, but also the community council since there are
> > community implications that need to be addressed as the wiki entry
> > you
> > referred to is not at all community friendly.
> > 
> > For those just joining the conversation, Ubuntu Cinnamon Remix
> > (, with Joshua Peisach as leader, has been
> > working
> > on meeting the requirements to become an official flavor for the
> > past 3
> > years. Joshua has been trying, to the best of his ability, to
> > follow
> > the requirements posted at
> > <>.
> > I have stepped-up to assist him with my MOTU hat on, but Joshua has
> > run
> > into numerous roadblocks over the years, and I am seeing his
> > frustrations as well. It seems as though when he meets a
> > requirement, a
> > new requirement appears, so that while the goalposts aren't
> > actually
> > moving in the eyes of those on the technical board, to him it
> > appears
> > like they are.
> > 
> > Before I proceed any further, I need to note that I have brought
> > this
> > to the attention of the Community Council, and we agree that this
> > issue
> > does need to be addressed. Therefore, I write this now as a
> > representative of the Community Council, with some replies in-line
> > addressing the packaging concerns.
> I'm not on the Tech Board, but this feels like a hasty escalation to
> me.
> The Tech Board was emailed on Saturday and replied, very quickly, on
> Sunday.
> I am unaware of Ubuntu Cinnamon Remix developers reaching out
> publicly
> to the Tech Board before Saturday.
> Perhaps someone could have been more proactive and asked the Ubuntu
> Cinnamon Remix developers if they wanted to become an official flavor
> and encourage them to do so.

This most certainly is not a hasty escalation. I've been aware of
Ubuntu Cinnamon Remix for 3 years and in that time, Joshua's intention
was to make it an official flavor. They have been encouraged to become
an official flavor since Day 0.

> The Tech Board reply gave some specific tasks that need to be done
> which is similar to what I had to do many years ago when I went
> through the process for Ubuntu GNOME.
> If you need help understanding or completing the tasks, please reach
> out to me or to the Tech Board or Ubuntu Release teams.
> Yes, the documentation can be improved.

Getting the documentation improved is what we are asking.

> > There is no documentation anywhere that I know of in this context
> > for
> > the requirement of the involvement of a member of the ~ubuntu-core-
> > dev
> > team, so now I'm emploring the technical board to get this sorted,
> > preferably on some kind of documentation, but not necessarily on
> > <> as I'm not happy with
> > that
> > wiki entry from a community standpoint. More on this later in this
> > email.
> That requirement is documented in these links. Ideally, at least one
> Ubuntu Cinnamon Remix developer would have upload rights for their
> flavor's packages. That can be done by becoming a MOTU or with a new
> team specifically for the flavor's packages. From years ago, I don't
> think it's a blocker for becoming a recognized flavor since
> sponsorship works but it ought to be a goal to get those upload
> permissions soon.
> Another responsibility of becoming an official flavor is that the
> developers need to be able to reach out and communicate well with the
> Ubuntu Release Team so that releases can happen on time. The
> communication burden falls on both sides, but the flavor developers
> need to reach out to the right team when needed instead of waiting to
> be asked if there is a problem.
> Ideally, the developers would have some experience with completing
> Stable Release Updates too since fixing bugs in stable releases is an
> important part of providing support for stable releases.

The process may have worked for you, Jeremy, but that doesn't work for
everyone. As I stated in the email, we, the Community Council, are now
asking the Technical Board to get this sorted out so that the barriers
to becoming an official flavor are lessened, not from a requirement
standpoint, but from a process and procedure standpoint. We just want
improved documentation. 

Basically, if someone like me, a flavor lead, MOTU, and experienced
member of this community is having trouble following the existing
documentation, then something is terribly wrong with that
documentation. The others in the council agree.

Erich Eickmeyer
Member, Ubuntu Community Council
Project Leader, Ubuntu Studio
Ubuntu MOTU
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