Change request in the SRU process of group

Lucas Kanashiro kanashiro at
Thu Apr 7 19:35:13 UTC 2022

Hi release team,

A couple of days ago, I got runc SRU not accepted into focal-proposed
[1] because it is not following what was strictly described in the group exception page [2]. After talking to mwhudson and tianon
(who were working on this stack before me), we noticed that this was
quite outdated and we have not been following what was described in the
Process section for a while. I made some changes to this section and the
content was approved by tianon. The idea behind the old process was to
avoid updating stable releases with version x.x.0 because the
upstream project at the time was not so mature, but nowadays there are
some pretty strong incentives to make sure their releases work (even .0

I would like to get the approval from the SRU team to make those changes
official. To ease the review you can find the old and the proposed
sections here [3]. In order to avoid any confusion I added a sentence
here [4] to clarify that the current content of [2] is not yet approved
by the SRU team.

Thanks in advance!


Lucas Kanashiro

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