apache2 hint

Thomas Ward teward at thomas-ward.net
Fri Jun 28 17:04:37 UTC 2019

Even with the proposed fixes that are made there to 'fix' the
autopkgtests, they still fail with the same error.

I am in agreement with Dimitri, can we badtest all the current
kopano-webapp test failures given that the issue still remains with the
deb2snap chromium transition?


On 6/28/19 10:33 AM, Thomas Ward wrote:
> This also blocks nginx as well.
> Keep in mind though, this is being 'worked on' - namely, it's an issue
> due to Snapped Chromium / Selenium now.
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kopano-webapp/+bug/1834052
> Details on this badtest problem I put in this bug.  The issue traces
> back to Snapped Chromium though, and how Chromium / Selenium are
> launching the test in kopano.
> Thomas
> On 6/28/19 10:30 AM, Dimitri John Ledkov wrote:
>> apache2 is currently stuck in eoan-proposed
>> it is blocked on
>> autopkgtest for kopano-webapp/3.5.6+dfsg1-1: amd64: Regression ♻ ,
>> arm64: Regression ♻ , armhf: Regression ♻ , i386: Regression ♻ ,
>> ppc64el: Always failed, s390x: Always failed
>> which it looks to me, that it has regressed since chromium deb2snap
>> transition, cause that autopkgtest tries to use chromium snap as the
>> test-browser-engine as part of the test.
>> otherwise testing on apache2 is ok.
>> Can kopano-webapp please be marked as force-badtest, due to chromium
>> deb2snap transition?
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