GNOME 3.33, eoan-proposed and feature freeze

Iain Lane laney at
Thu Aug 22 18:30:09 UTC 2019

Greetings release team,

We've been preparing GNOME 3.33 in a silo, since it involves a couple of
entangled transitions and I didn't want to make the situation in
-proposed worse by doing it directly there. The bulk of it is more or
less ready to go now from my POV.

Feature freeze is ~now, so I'm messaging to give the release team a
heads up about our plans here. For some components we're likely to miss
the freeze by a few days (mainly due to unwinding said transitions
taking a while, so we didn't get all of the stack updated in time).

The bulk of the update will be via a binary copy from the silo to
eoan-proposed using bileto. I'd hope this wouldn't make the situation in
-proposed worse, modulo autopkgtest, since the binaries are already
built. I'm at a conference this week (GUADEC), but I'm planning to
publish in the next few days. If anyone wants me to hold off for a bit
due to this causing concerns about eoan-proposed - bearing in mind
feature freeze - please yell.


Iain Lane                                  [ iain at ]
Debian Developer                                   [ laney at ]
Ubuntu Developer                                   [ laney at ]
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