API for Ubuntu releases

Rik Mills rikmills at kubuntu.org
Mon Apr 29 08:24:48 UTC 2019

On 22/04/2019 19:39, Michal Stanke wrote:
> Hi.
> I wanted to ask if there is any API or machine friendly format with the
> list of Ubuntu releases, which would be updated when a new version is
> out too. Something similar to
> https://wiki.mozilla.org/Release_Management/Product_details ? I would
> like to automatically update our community website whenever a new
> release is out without any (or as few as possible) manual changes.
> Thank you
> --
> Michal Stanke

Perhaps these?




which are updated with details on the new release once it is out and
upgrades supported.

That is the info fetched and parsed by the update-manager, which it uses
to know there is new release to offer an upgrade to.


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