On a Debian package depended on Java 8 but anymore
Masayuki Hatta
mhatta at gmail.com
Thu Apr 19 16:55:35 UTC 2018
Sorry for bothering you again. So now a newer package of I2P is in
Ubuntu "proposed" (I figure this is something like Debian testing).
It's been there for 10 days.
To put it into Bionic, should I just wait for a while? Or need to do
something manually? Or is it too late? I really appreciate if a
newer package can be put into Bionic because of Java 8/9 problem. I
read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess, but if missed
something (I should say I'm still a bit confused about how to use
requestsync) I'm sorry and appreciate if you could tell me the way to
Best regards,
2018-04-10 23:33 GMT+09:00 Masayuki Hatta <mhatta at gmail.com>:
> Hi Jeremy,
> Thanks a lot for info! I didn't even know there's ubuntu-dev-tools in
> Debian :-)
> Best regards,
> MH
> 2018-04-09 1:26 GMT+09:00 Jeremy Bicha <jbicha at ubuntu.com>:
>> On Sun, Apr 8, 2018 at 11:05 AM, Masayuki Hatta <mhatta at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> May I request so, following
>>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebianImportFreeze? I understand it's way too
>>> late, or is there any chance I can update Ubuntu package in Bionic
>>> later?
>> Thank you for taking interest in helping make Ubuntu better!
>> I see that an Ubuntu developer has synced the package for you now.
>> Next time, I recommend that you use the requestsync script (part of
>> ubuntu-dev-tools which is available in Debian).
>> References
>> ========
>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess
>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ubuntu/ForDebianDevelopers
>> https://manpages.debian.org/requestsync
>> Thanks,
>> Jeremy Bicha
> --
> Masayuki Hatta
> Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics and Management, Surugadai
> University, Japan
> http://about.me/mhatta
> mhatta at gnu.org / mhatta at debian.org / mhatta at opensource.jp /
> hatta.masayuki at surugadai.ac.jp
Masayuki Hatta
Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics and Management, Surugadai
University, Japan
mhatta at gnu.org / mhatta at debian.org / mhatta at opensource.jp /
hatta.masayuki at surugadai.ac.jp
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