Call for confirmation of LTSness of flavours for bionic
Adam Conrad
adconrad at
Fri Apr 13 21:24:52 UTC 2018
So, before we go baking in the support headers in the final release of
bionic, we should double-check with all the flavour leads what their
support commitment plans are for 18.04. Currently, what we have live
in production is:
5 Year LTS:
- Ubuntu Base / Cloud / Desktop / Server
3 Year LTS:
- Kubuntu
- Lubuntu
- Ubuntu Budgie
- Ubuntu MATE
- UbuntuKylin
- Xubuntu
Not LTS:
- UbuntuStudio
- Lubuntu Next
It is highly recommended that flavours that choose to be LTS remain
with a 3 years cycle, as that gives you an overlap to get users to
the next LTS without committing to, frankly, a much longer support
length than you think five years is until you've done it. ;)
If we could get people to sound off with an "I represent $flavour, and
I confirm that we intend to support 18.04 for 3 years" (or, obviously,
let us know instead if you don't intend to do so, so we can adjust),
that would be lovely.
... Adam
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