Documenting "exceptional" MREs

Brian Murray brian at
Tue Jul 25 19:14:35 UTC 2017

On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 11:50:51AM +0100, Robie Basak wrote:
> says: "In other cases where such upstream automatic testing is not
> available, exceptions must still be approved by at least one member of
> the Ubuntu Technical Board."
> So if the SRU team determine that a proposed new upstream microrelease
> SRU does not meet the testing requirement, we still need to get a TB
> member's +1.
> This bit for gjs just now[1]. My conclusion is that the TB had
> previously already granted the +1, so I documented it[2] and proceeded
> on that basis.
> But it means that do end up with "MREs" that must be documented since
> otherwise they do not meet the current SRU policy as it is written.
> I thought I'd point this out, as it seems like a surprising result of
> the current SRU policy, especially given that all the previously
> documented TB-approved MREs were removed when the policy was changed.
> Is this all intentional? Or should I be handling these differently?

I'm not sure this will answer your questions but here is pitti's
announcement email from the time the changes were made:

I looked at this transition a bit ago and felt like it could use some

Brian Murray

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