16.04.2 should have Mesa 13.0.4 out-of-the-box

Mard Ward mard.ward2015 at yandex.ru
Tue Feb 7 16:00:02 UTC 2017

Actually 16.04.2 is going to ship with Mesa 13.0.3 , proof - http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/01/mesa-13-0-3-ubuntu-16-04-lts
it makes sense to include 13.0.4 instead of a planned 13.0.3, because 13.0.4 is better...

Best regards,
Mard Ward

07.02.2017, 18:56, "Adam Conrad" <adconrad at ubuntu.com>:
> On Tue, Feb 07, 2017 at 06:48:01PM +0300, Mard Ward wrote:
>>  Mesa 13.0.4 has been released recently, and it is a good idea to
>>  include Mesa 13.0.4 to ubuntu 16.04.2 before its release.
> Nope. That's not how this works. 16.04.2 will ship with the 16.10
> X stack (including Mesa 12.0.6), and 16.04.3 will ship with the 17.04
> stack, which will include Mesa 13.0.x.
> "Upstream released a new version" is not the deciding factor for what
> goes into an LTS release.
> ... Adam

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