Artful Aardvark Beta 1?

Sean Davis smd.seandavis at
Tue Aug 29 10:03:42 UTC 2017

Xubuntu will be participating in Beta 1.


On 08/28/2017 07:19 AM, Martin Wimpress wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm currently signed to do checklist tracking for Beta 1 which is due
> August 31st. Who is looking to participate? For the record, Ubuntu
> MATE is participating.
> To properly keep track of who is and isn't participating please update
> the following wiki page as well as replying to this email:
>    *
> I've assumed that everyone who participated in Alpha 2 is
> participating in Beta 1. If that is not the case please update the
> wiki accordingly. If your flavour is opting in to Beta 1 then please
> make sure the contact information for your release team and the link
> to where your release notes will be posted is updated.
> If you don't have access to the wiki, feel free to send me an email or
> a ping on IRC (flexiondotorg).

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