Ardour stuck in proposed

Ross Gammon rosco2 at
Sat Apr 1 07:43:55 UTC 2017

Thanks Rik for the time it took to investgate and write that up for me!

I will do a test build!

On 04/01/2017 09:33 AM, Rik Mills wrote:
> From update-output.txt
> trying: denemo aubio ardour
> skipped: denemo aubio ardour (0, 0, 13)
>     got: 42+0: a-19:a-4:a-4:i-5:p-4:s-6
>     * amd64: pd-aubio
> Seems to migrate it needs to do that with newer aubio etc.
> e.g. looking at
> new ardour built against and depends on the libaubio5 in proposed, so
> needs that to migrate with it.
> But the update-output.txt is saying that would break  pd-aubio, which
> makes sense if you dig into it as pb-aubio in release depends on
> libaubio4 which would be replaced by libaubio5.
> So as a first guess, maybe pb-audio could have a rebuild against the new
> aubio to depend on the newer lib in proposed instead, so all that
> migrating does not break it? I don't know this stack and it's deps, so I
> am somewhat guessing here if that would work or rebuild ok.
> On 01/04/17 07:58, Ross Gammon wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> We are pretty keen to get the latest ardour
>> ( into the Ubuntu Studio
>> Zesty release, as it is one of our most important packages.
>> Up until recently, it was waiting for xjadeo to move from main to universe.
>> Today, I have been looking at update_excuses & update_output, but I am
>> having trouble understanding where the problem lies. I am struggling to
>> work out which dependency is blocking things. Any help/tips would be
>> appreciated.
>> Cheers,
>> Ross

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