Yakkety Final weekend testing ISOs

Adam Conrad adconrad at ubuntu.com
Sat Oct 8 15:41:01 UTC 2016

The ISO tracker[1] is posting images for Yakkety Final testing right
now.  Some are there, some are coming in the next hour or two.

These are *not* final images (they'll still claim to be beta, etc),
but we need as much testing on them as we can get and bugs reported
so we can fix up as many issues as we have time for before we start
rolling real RC images on Monday.

So, please, don't pop in the IRC channel and say something like "are
these the final images, because I don't want to waste my time testing
non-final images", if they were final, there'd be no reason to test.

We need testing.  Lots of it.  And fixes to follow the testing.  So
grab an ISO for your favourite flavour and kick the tires.  And the
steering wheel.  And the fuel pump.  And that little dohickey that
used to be a cigarette lighter but people now plug their GPS into.

... Adam

[1] http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/368/builds

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