Add gce-compute-image-packages to the ubuntu-cloud packageset

Robie Basak robie.basak at
Mon Nov 21 17:29:14 UTC 2016

On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 04:43:26PM +0000, Adam Conrad wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 04:36:52PM +0000, Robie Basak wrote:
> > 
> > Dan asked for gce-compute-image-packages to be added to the ubuntu-cloud
> > packageset, which seems fine to me. But when checking out the package I
> > noticed that it is unseeded and in universe. This seems to be at odds to
> > me that it is "installed in the official Ubuntu images on GCE". So I
> > thought I'd check, since that seems to be a departure from the usual way
> > of doing things.
> I'm not sure I understand what you're driving at here.  Being in a
> packageset (for upload privs) doesn't relate to how it's seeded or
> installed.

Right. Nothing to do with the DMB or upload permissions. I was only
explaining how I came to notice and didn't mean to imply that I thought
it did.

> The various bits and bobs for public clouds are added to the each
> cloud's images at build time, so they don't have to have all the
> tools on all the clouds, which would be useless, bloaty, and might
> even conflict with each other.

Right, so the general cloud seed would be wrong.

> > Should this be in main? Or in the Canonical partner repository? Or
> > somewhere else? How should it be seeded, if at all?
> It shouldn't be in partner.  They could perhaps be encouraged to
> do MIRs for all their cloud-specific bits that might be in universe
> and the like, but since they're supported by the CPC team (and their
> upstreams), rather than by the community as a whole or the Canonical
> security team, the distinction is perhaps slightly less important.

I'd have expected the packages to be in main or similar to indicate this
support (and this would mean that they'd get a security review through
the MIR process, etc).
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