[FLAVOURS] QA Flavour Cycle meetup

Brendan Perrine walterorlin at gmail.com
Fri Jul 29 04:40:48 UTC 2016

On Thu, 28 Jul 2016 10:20:58 -0700
Walter Lapchynski <wxl at ubuntu.com> wrote:

> This is well worth bringing up again, at least if we care about milestones.
> It's clear that Ubuntu does not. In fact, some of the Release Team would
> argue that we would be better off doing a wider scope of testing daily and
> I don't disagree. Canonical will not be holding our hands on this one. We
> need to organize together, which we're not doing too well.
> In fact, because of this, we all most didn't have an Alpha 2 release. No
> one had really said anything about Alpha 2 until we (Lubuntu) started
> asking in #ubuntu-release rather late in the day. We didn't know if anyone
> else wanted to release because no one had sent out an email ahead of time.
> The Release Team was kind enough to go through with providing images for
> what we presumed to be the right flavors (Lubuntu, MATE, Kylin— which
> happened to be the actual flavors intending to release, thankfully), but we
> cannot expect this from now on.
> The flavor needs must, as a community, organize themselves ahead of the day
> images are due to be made available (typically the Tuesday before release
> on Thursday) and make it clear to the Release Team what the plans are to
> be. If not, we're just not going to have milestones. Maybe that's not a bad
> thing. I, for one, would be willing to experiment without them, but I'm not
> sure everyone agrees.
> That being said, let's talk! I'd like to suggest we get together in
> #ubuntu-meeting tomorrow Friday 28 July 2016 at 1700 UTC. Feel free to
> suggest other days or times, but we need to figure this out before 23
> August (Beta 1) and what better time than now? Regardless of whether or not
> you care about milestones, I think it would be great to have as many
> opinions as possible, so please come.
> On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 10:23 AM, flocculant <flocculant at gmx.co.uk> wrote:
> > Hey all,    `
> >
> > just wondering if the QA leads can grab a bit of time to just get together
> > somehow, put across what we hope to get done this cycle, maybe help each
> > other out, give each other ideas ...
> >
> > free flowing type of thing ...
> >
> > We all have to deal with similar issues - all cycle.
> >
> > We all have to work with the Canonical people - and it would be a lot
> > worse if they weren't all awesome ;)
> >
> > There's a whole lot we have to do - together surely it's got to be just a
> > little bit easier.
> >
> > We do however need to deal with who amongst us will deal with the
> > milestones, up to now it has been people from Lubuntu, Mate and Xubuntu
> > (Jonathan joined in when he was with Kubuntu)
> >
> > time for other teams to join in - even if timezones make it hard ...
> >
> > --
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> -- 
> @wxl | http://polka.bike
> Lubuntu Release Manager & Head of QA
> Ubuntu PPC Point of Contact
> Ubuntu Oregon LoCo Team Leader
> Ubuntu Membership Board & LoCo Council Member
> Eugene Unix & GNU/Linux User Group Co-Organizer
I agree with walter whole heartedly on this issue. 
I hope I don't oversleep this meeting as I have been having a personal struggle sleeping in too late after trouble falling asleep but if there is an agenda and is discussion about going without milestones will we need to modify the testing tracker. Keep in mind modifying the tracker will need time to get it merged if we decide to go without milestones.  
Brendan Perrine <walterorlin at gmail.com>

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