Juju SRU and QA plans

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at kitterman.com
Wed Oct 8 15:40:07 UTC 2014

On Wednesday, October 08, 2014 17:38:01 Martin Pitt wrote:
> Robie Basak [2014-10-08 11:19 +0100]:
> > We don't have automatic dep8 test runs in trusty-proposed yet (which is
> > bug 1321691), but this is something that is desirable. When we do have
> > it, we're going to have a ton more QA going on in trusty-proposed which
> > upstream can't realistically run.
> Note that the machinery is there, i. e. we can manually click on the
> jobs in jenkins to run autopkgtests in trusty. There is just no
> britney to trigger them automatically. But running those is certainly
> something which we can do as part of the SRU verification.

Yes.  Please.

Scott K

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