Draft Utopic Release Schedule
Jean-Baptiste Lallement
jean-baptiste.lallement at ubuntu.com
Tue Apr 29 08:03:14 UTC 2014
Le 29/04/2014 01:19, Adam Conrad a écrit :
> So, I whipped up a draft utopic release schedule at:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UtopicUnicorn/ReleaseSchedule
> It'll look pretty familiar to most, as being nearly identical to the
> 13.10 schedule, but with a few bits shuffled to match what we did
> in 14.04, and with an extra week added to get us back on a half-year
> schedule.
> If anyone has any major complaints, or wants to bikeshed about moving
> a date, let me know.
14.04.1 [2] and 14.10 Alpha2 are the same week (W14 - July 24th) it'll
be difficult for flavours that participate to both milestones to cover
them simultaneously.
I see 3 options with the following changes to your proposal:
* Option 1:
W16: 14.04.1
W18: 12.04.5
W20: B1
This adds 2 weeks to 14.04.1 and 12.04.5, but leaves only 2 weeks
between B1 and Final Beta. Furthermore that's lot of milestones in August.
* Option 2:
W12: 14.04.1
But we lose 2 weeks to polish 14.04.1
* Option 3
W13: 14.04.1
W15: A2
W17: 12.04.5
This leaves Betas unchanged, we lose only 1 week of development for
14.04.1 and milestones are more evenly spread over July and August.
> If you want specific things added (like, say, vUDS[1], some important
> community summit/sprint for Flavour X, etc), also let me know.
Could you add a column with 14.04.1 and 12.04.5 ?
> ... Adam
> [1] Yes, I'll add that when I have dates from someone...
[2] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule
Jean-Baptiste Lallement
irc: jibel
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