0-Day SRU for Openstack

Adam Conrad adconrad at canonical.com
Wed Apr 16 16:28:20 UTC 2014

On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 12:07:22PM -0400, Chuck Short wrote:
> As you are probably aware OpenStack Icehouse will be released on the same day
> as Ubuntu 14.04.   As we did for 13.10, we are intending to do a 0-day SRU for
> OpenStack on the assumption that upstream releases to late to make the release
> pocket.

For the bits that aren't on CDs, depending on timing, you still might
be able to get them into the release pocket before we close it, if
you're lucky. ;)

> Please could a member of the release team be nominated to deal with the final
> OpenStack release packages on Thursday.

We should all be around to look at it, as long as the uploads don't
come so late that those of us in Europe are drunk and potentially
dead in ditches.

... Adam

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