Please promote 64-bit images by default on the download pages

Dmitrijs Ledkovs dmitrij.ledkov at
Tue Sep 3 10:15:21 UTC 2013

During vUDS we discussed 32 vs 64 bit, in particular what the
messaging about the choice should be. The discussion started with
outlining available data, and what further data we should be
collecting for future analysis. At the moment, neither of the images
is compatible with all machines out there (out of the box without
modifying any bios/boot options). And we believe that 64-bit image has
now become more compatible for new installations, and is more
advantageous for people to install.

Thus on the download pages starting from 13.10 release the messaging
will be adjusted to direct users by default at the 64-bit image, and
hints will be given as to when users should select a 32-bit option

Similarly I'd like to ask all other flavours to carefully asses their
demographic and target audience and potentially also adapt similar
messaging strategy on their flavour websites to promote 64-bit images
by default. Do note that AMD64-based processor, the Opteron, was
released more than 10 years ago in April 2003.

Below is the summary of above changes on the pages
for 13.10:

In both download boxes (LTS & 13.10):

* On the right hand side above the "Choose your flavour" replace:

"If you have a PC with the Windows 8 logo or UEFI firmware, choose the
64-bit download. Read more"


"If you have an older PC with less than 2GB of memory, choose the
32-bit download."

* Update the Choose your flavour drop-downs, with first option - the default:
- 64-bit
- 32-bit (for machines with less than 2GB RAM)

When the drop-down is expanded, 64-bit should be listed first.
Match the LTS Choose your flavour drop down to the desktop drop-downs
- 64-bit
- 32-bit (for servers with less than 2GB RAM)

When the drop-down is expanded, 64-bit should be listed first.
The warning message on the right & the LTS download box stay the same.
(The Ubuntu Chinese 12.04.0 LTS does get re-published for point
releases, and UEFI support was only introduced in .2 images)

The Ubuntu Kylin box, will have the buttons change around:
* 64 bit button on top
* 32 bit button following below



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