extra milestones added recently in Launchpad

Steve Langasek steve.langasek at ubuntu.com
Thu Mar 21 00:56:41 UTC 2013

Hi folks,

Just a quick note to let people know what's going on with some new
milestones you may have noticed showing up in Launchpad.


When we originally set up the milestones for raring, we expected to only
need monthly milestones for the first four months, followed by the
traditional "beta" and "release" milestones.  However, with the increased
emphasis on a monthly planning cycle within Canonical engineering, there was
a perceived need to target work (in particular, blueprints) more precisely
to the month, and not to the beta and release which do *not* happen at the
end of the month.

Of course, any of this work that should be landed in the Ubuntu archive will
still need to respect the freezes and the release process; but as it's not
tied to the release milestones, targeting it to those milestones would both
be setting unhelpful deadlines for the work and (potentially) cluttering the
release team's view of the release milestones.

We also have milestones added for beyond 13.04, with expected dates set to
the end of each month:


The names are in no way meant to imply changes to our release process - this
is unrelated to the "monthly snapshot" proposal, and the milestones are
meant for planning only (with the exception of the "ubuntu-13.10"
milestone).  The names are simply meant to make it easier to see when work
is targeted without having to do date math on them.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                    http://www.debian.org/
slangasek at ubuntu.com                                     vorlon at debian.org
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