To Feature Freeze, or not to Feature Freeze:

Iain Lane laney at
Tue Mar 5 09:17:07 UTC 2013

On Mon, Mar 04, 2013 at 01:56:02PM -0500, Jeremy Bicha wrote:
> On 4 March 2013 10:23, Iain Lane <laney at> wrote:
> > We have raring's FF on Thursday 6th (this Thursday). However, it seems
> > likely per ubuntu-devel discussions that the release will not happen as
> > planned. Formally, the proposal is going to be taken to the tech board
> > for approval after UDS discussions to flesh out some details. This makes
> > it unlikely that we'll know what the final word is before Thursday.
> >
> > So technically the release schedule will still be as it is, but it would
> > probably not be the best use of the release team's time to be managing a
> > freeze that is probabaly going to be scrapped within a couple of weeks.
> On the other hand, I believe we need a major feature freeze point so
> that testers, translators, documenters, and the like have time to do
> their thing before things are pushed to the masses. I guess it depends
> on whether we use a true rolling style or a monthly style what that
> feature freeze would look like.

I'm not trying to speculate or define what any future freezes would look
like, but asking purely about this Thursday's Feature Freeze. I'm sure
that UDS and subsequent (TB?) discussions will define how we work going

Iain Lane                                  [ iain at ]
Debian Developer                                   [ laney at ]
Ubuntu Developer                                   [ laney at ]
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