12.04.2 Testing Needs

Nicholas Skaggs nicholas.skaggs at canonical.com
Tue Jan 22 22:03:45 UTC 2013

I was speaking with Paul on IRC about 12.04.2, and he mentioned the 
hardware enablement changes (a new stack) is going to be pushed to 
precise during 12.04.2. During the .1 release, we pre-tested the kernel, 
and I think some of the video changes as well (we did this by having 
special call for testing events, and utilized ppa versions).

AFAIK, there is going to be new kernel, boot, and video bits coming for 
12.04.2 -- is this correct? Depending on if these packages can be made 
via a ppa, we (community QA team) can test them before the images are 
spun. If not, we can pursue a smoke testing across hardware strategy 
once the images are live, and give those bits special consideration. Let 
me know how we might be able to help. Cheers,

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