[QA] Status Report 2013-02-16

Paul Larson paul.larson at canonical.com
Sun Feb 17 01:21:58 UTC 2013

=== Release Testing ===

==== Raring Testing ====


[Recent Bugs]
1126107 Ubiquity does not start during raring desktop installations
using libvirt and KVM
1124415 Network installation fails with ahci
1122882	Korean font is loaded when keyboard indicator is loaded
1119218 Raring server installations fail with kernel mismatch with
20130208 images

==== Precise Testing ====


[Recent Bugs]
1124660 Precise 20120213 i386 live session fails in virtualbox
1124029 'ltsp-client-builder' failed with error code 1 during LTSP
server installation with 20120213.1 alternate
1119621 KeyError: "filename './etc/apt/sources.list' not found" during
precise desktop installation on a system that already had precise installed.
1119569 jockey-gtk crashed with DBusException in call_blocking()

=== What was done engineering wise? ===
* Support for charting power usage has been implemented in the QA
dashboard (http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/power/arch/i386/)
* NFS installs with cobbler still giving some problems, but a workaround

=== What's about to land that might impact the other teams and release
as a whole? ===
* Results for wakeup events, and memory consumption
and being worked on

=== Summary of bugs working on by team (reasonably reliable) ===


=== Dependencies on other teams to make deliverables, blocking items,
release wide concerns? ===
More automated tests are always welcome, and help us improve the coverage.

=== Team Status ===

Paul Larson

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